Valdosta State University adheres to the State Accounting Office Statewide 旅行 Policy 和 佐治亚大学系统校董会旅游业务程序.  以下是旅费报销所需步骤的简要总结.  如欲了解更多详情或以下未涵盖的项目,请参阅上述两项政策.


1.  旅行 Authorization
Complete and submit a 旅行 Authorization Form unless traveling on a Standing Authorization to 旅行.  The Budget Approver(s) will forward to 批准.  员工有责任确保旅行授权表在旅行前得到批准.

2.  Select Method of Transportation


  • 车队车辆:  员工应预定一辆大学车队,如果可以使用 bet365亚洲官网 Fleet Vehicle Reservation Form.  Gasoline expense reimbursement will be handled via the 燃料卡.
  • Personal Vehicle – Mileage Reimbursement Only:  个人车辆旅行的里程报销率将根据以下等级费率计算.  
Tier 1 Rate – (currently .67美分/英里) 
Car Cost Comparison 表明私家车是最经济有效的出行方式. *注意: 请注意,在汽车成本比较中提供的链接将导致自付费用.  See Rental Car procedures below for link to reserve vehicle. 

Tier 2 Rate –(currently .21美分/英里) 

Mileage Calculation

  • 租车:

旅行 via rental car does not require a car-cost comparison.

bet365亚洲官网将报销员工的租车费用和与租车相关的任何合理的汽油费用. 旅行者应该拒绝汽车租赁供应商提供的可选燃料. 租来的车在还车的时候,油量应该和取车的时候一样.

批准的汽车租赁尺寸是紧凑型,中型或全尺寸. Other vehicle sizes require a business-related justification.

州政府与企业和赫兹签订了全州范围内的强制性租赁合同. 员工应该只从这些供应商租用车辆,当使用租赁汽车是理想的旅行形式.

bet365亚洲官网有企业直接账单选项,以消除员工自付费用. If choosing Enterprise, 请联络财务服务部查询户口号码及帐单号码,以选择直接付款. Please use the following link to reserve your vehicle:

旅行ers traveling on state business inside the Continental U.S. in any rented motor vehicle are covered by the State’s liability insurance policy; therefore, *liability coverage should be declined when renting a motor vehicle.

**Damage/collision waiver 是为 in-state travel only per the Statewide Car Rental Vendor Contract (Hertz and Enterprise). If traveling out of state, bet365亚洲官网强烈建议旅行者选择从汽车租赁机构获得额外费用的损坏/碰撞豁免. 损坏/碰撞豁免只适用于州外或国际汽车租赁.

*Liability Coverage -这将包括在发生事故时对第三方财产的损害和伤害. 只要是公务旅行,州政府就为雇员提供责任保险.

**Damage/Collision Waiver -这包括员工驾驶的租赁车辆的损害赔偿.

  • 旅行 via Flight
航班成本比较:员工应该获得最低的可用机票,并提供证明最低成本的文件.  打印一份您的航班搜索副本,作为您的航班成本文件.  Always book directly with the airline.

Only coach travel fares will be reimbursed.
Airfare expenses can be reimbursed prior to the travel dates.

 3.  住宿:  


免税:  一份 乔治亚州本地酒店/汽车旅馆消费税豁免证明书  在乔治亚州因公出差旅行和住宿时,应该在办理入住手续时提供给酒店吗.  This tax cannot be reimbursed to employees, if charged.

This does not exempt the employee from State Tax.  
If a hotel refuses to accept the tax exempt form, 员工被要求从酒店经理那里获得一份书面声明, 在那个时候交税,然后在旅行费用单上报销. 

Private Residence:  State 旅行 Policy section 3.1 prohibits the use of private residence, therefore online private rental services such as Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway are not allowed. 
停车:  旅行ers should always choose the self-parking option. If valet parking was utilized, travelers can only be reimbursed the self-parking rate, if self-parking is available.
Miscellaneous Charges:  If miscellaneous charges are included on lodging receipt, 和 employee is seeking reimbursement, 应说明费用的业务用途.                 (EX: Internet usage charges)

 4.  Meal Reimbursements:  State of Georgia- Meal Per Diem - All Areas







旅行 outside of Georgia:  参考 U.S. General Services 政府 (GSA) website for the current per diem rates
第一个 & Last Day of 旅行: 无论是州内旅行还是州外旅行,旅行者在旅行的第一天和最后一天只能获得全天每日津贴的75%.
Non-Overnight 旅行: Effective July 1, 2018, 由于美国国税局的应税补偿问题,美国政府在非过夜旅行期间不提供每日膳食.  
Meals provided by Conference/Meeting每日津贴或膳食津贴必须根据提供给旅行者的任何膳食进行调整.  应提交会议或会议议程,以核实所要求的所有餐费报销. 关于在旅行的第一天和最后一天提供膳食时如何进入的说明.

 5.  Completing an Expense Report

出差回来后,填写并提交报销单 PeopleSoft Employee Self-Service for Expense Reimbursements. 所有费用应按费用种类和费用日期分项列出.  使用附件功能在线附上所有收据和文件.  Submit the report electronically for approvals.  费用报告应在旅行结束后六十(60)天内提交报销,否则将通过工资单报销并扣缴税款.  费用报告通常在收到电子批准的费用报告和所有必要的收据和文件后的5个工作日内处理.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Accounts Payable office at 229-333-5708, 或电子邮件  

旅行 Helpful Links

形式 and Links Needed for 旅行


旅行 Regulations