Total Credit Hours: 18          格式: 混合动力

该在线证书为任何学科的专业学生提供了在美国和国际上的企业环境和私立语言学校与英语学习者(ELLs)一起追求教学机会的准备. 它将第二语言习得的理论基础与实践经验相结合. No previous background in linguistics is required for admission. Some background in a second language is recommended. It may be combined with any degree 程序.

课程的设计,以适应不同的需要和学习方式,通过计算机为基础, 使用同步和异步多媒体工具的在线教学:Wimba语音板, virtual classrooms, and online social environments such as Second Life. These approaches allow for flexibility in scheduling for students. 学生将接受使用所有必要技术的培训,并在整个课程中得到教师的支持.

此独立证书适用于目前未在365bet中文注册的学生, subject to application and successful admission. 国际学生必须通过达到大学招生规定的托福成绩来证明自己的英语能力.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Anne Greenfield, 电子邮件:, phone: 229-333-5946 

Deparment of English


  • Fall Semester: 7月15日
  • Spring Semester: 11月15日
  • Summer Semester: 4月15日


访问 the Deparment of English Website for Additional 入学 Requirements

Online 研究生 Application

  • Application Fee (credit or debit card and e-checks accepted)
  • 应用 Online

Proof of Bachelor's & Master's Degrees

  • 在弗吉尼亚州立大学完成的课程成绩单将由研究生院获得

bet365亚洲官网 MEDICAL FORM

  • The form must be completed and signed by the student/applicant.
  • This form must be received prior to enrollment, NOT prior to admission.
  • Applicants who are currently enrolled, and those who attended bet365亚洲官网 in the past, are not required to resubmit the Medical Form

Verification of Lawful Presence 

  • 对于没有资格获得州内学费或居留豁免的个人,这是不需要的.
  • 这必须在入学(如果适用)之前收到,而不是在入学之前.
  • 任何希望被考虑支付州内学费的申请人都需要公民身份文件.
  • Complete list of accepted documents and information on residency

Unless otherwise indicated above, 所有必需的文件必须在入学截止日期或之前收到,以便对您的文件进行审查. 申请人有责任留出足够的时间交付文件并确保收到文件. Please allow at least 7-10 days for delivery by mail.


For admission questions about this 程序, please contact the 研究生 School by phone, 电子邮件, or stop by our office.
  • 打电话给我们: 229-333-5694 
  • 电子邮件:
  • 访问我们的: Converse Hall (Main Campus), Third Floor, 3100套房

For additional 程序 details contact the Program Coordinator: Dr. Anne Greenfield, 电子邮件:, phone: 229-333-5946. 

完成 Requirements

  1. 学生必须在预期毕业日期前一学期完成毕业申请.
  2. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. No grade below a “C” will be credited toward the degree.
  3. 学生必须成功完成综合笔试和口试, or the thesis and oral defense.

T-5 Certification

希望获得T-5认证的学生可以在完成M课程后这样做.A. 程序, 如果他们有T-4证书,并完成国家教育部T-5认证所需的专业教育课程.

完成/Graduation Requirements Page - English Program

保留 Requirements

  1. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all graduate courses. 

  2. 研究生课程成绩低于“B”将导致以下后果:2011年秋季入学的学生,如果累积三个或更多的学术缺陷分,将被研究生院开除,除非个别项目政策另有说明. 一个“C”的成绩(虽然它可能被记入学位)等于一个缺欠点. A grade of “D,” “WF” or “F,或“U”(没有一个会被计入学位)等于两分不足. 2011年秋季之前入学,成绩低于C (D)两个等级的考生, “F”, “WF”,“U”) will be dismissed from the 程序. One grade below a "C" results in a warning.

  3. If dismissed from the 程序, 学生必须至少等待两个学期,并获得学术部门的批准, before applying for readmission. 学术课程保留在任何重新录取通知书上附加特定条件和突发事件的权利. 不保证重新录取,将考虑之前在课程中的学习成绩和行为. 

  4. After admission, 除非个别课程要求另有说明,否则在学位完成学期之前超过七年的课程不能用于满足365bet中文要求或入学博士候选人要求. 

  5. 不超过6个学时的学术工作可以从另一个机构转入硕士水平的研究生课程. 此学分必须在入学时以正式成绩单的形式证明. Transfer credit will be evaluated after admission by the academic department. To be eligible, 入学时学分不得超过7年,除非项目另有批准.

  6. 学生必须在外语第四课程中获得B或以上的成绩,或在现代和古典语言系管理的阅读能力考试中获得及格成绩.

  7. Students entering the literature emphasis without an undergraduate degree in English or an English minor or its equivalent must complete the following requirements prior to enrollment in graduate-level coursework: ENGL 3060; ENGL 3210 and ENGL 3215; ENGL 3110 and ENGL 3120-all with a grade of "B" or higher in each and prior to enrollment in graduate-level courses. Students entering the rhetoric and composition emphasis without an undergraduate degree in English or an English minor or its equivalent must complete the following requirements prior to enrollment in graduate-level coursework: three hours of either 3210 or 3215; and three hours of either 3110 or 3120-all with a grade of "B" or higher in each and prior to enrollment in graduate-level courses.

保留, Dismissal, & Readmission Policies Page - English Program

Total Credit Hours: 18          格式: 混合动力

该在线证书为任何学科的专业学生提供了在美国和国际上的企业环境和私立语言学校与英语学习者(ELLs)一起追求教学机会的准备. 它将第二语言习得的理论基础与实践经验相结合. No previous background in linguistics is required for admission. Some background in a second language is recommended. It may be combined with any degree 程序.

课程的设计,以适应不同的需要和学习方式,通过计算机为基础, 使用同步和异步多媒体工具的在线教学:Wimba语音板, virtual classrooms, and online social environments such as Second Life. These approaches allow for flexibility in scheduling for students. 学生将接受使用所有必要技术的培训,并在整个课程中得到教师的支持.

此独立证书适用于目前未在365bet中文注册的学生, subject to application and successful admission. 国际学生必须通过达到大学招生规定的托福成绩来证明自己的英语能力.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Anne Greenfield, 电子邮件:, phone: 229-333-5946 

Deparment of English


  • Fall Semester: 7月15日
  • Spring Semester: 11月15日
  • Summer Semester: 4月15日


访问 the Deparment of English Website for Additional 入学 Requirements

Online 研究生 Application

  • Application Fee (credit or debit card and e-checks accepted)
  • 应用 Online

Proof of Bachelor's & Master's Degrees

  • 在弗吉尼亚州立大学完成的课程成绩单将由研究生院获得

bet365亚洲官网 MEDICAL FORM

  • The form must be completed and signed by the student/applicant.
  • This form must be received prior to enrollment, NOT prior to admission.
  • Applicants who are currently enrolled, and those who attended bet365亚洲官网 in the past, are not required to resubmit the Medical Form

Verification of Lawful Presence 

  • 对于没有资格获得州内学费或居留豁免的个人,这是不需要的.
  • 这必须在入学(如果适用)之前收到,而不是在入学之前.
  • 任何希望被考虑支付州内学费的申请人都需要公民身份文件.
  • Complete list of accepted documents and information on residency

Unless otherwise indicated above, 所有必需的文件必须在入学截止日期或之前收到,以便对您的文件进行审查. 申请人有责任留出足够的时间交付文件并确保收到文件. Please allow at least 7-10 days for delivery by mail.


For admission questions about this 程序, please contact the 研究生 School by phone, 电子邮件, or stop by our office.
  • 打电话给我们: 229-333-5694 
  • 电子邮件:
  • 访问我们的: Converse Hall (Main Campus), Third Floor, 3100套房

For additional 程序 details contact the Program Coordinator: Dr. Anne Greenfield, 电子邮件:, phone: 229-333-5946. 

完成 Requirements

  1. 学生必须在预期毕业日期前一学期完成毕业申请.
  2. A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. No grade below a “C” will be credited toward the degree.
  3. 学生必须成功完成综合笔试和口试, or the thesis and oral defense.

T-5 Certification

希望获得T-5认证的学生可以在完成M课程后这样做.A. 程序, 如果他们有T-4证书,并完成国家教育部T-5认证所需的专业教育课程.

完成/Graduation Requirements Page - English Program

保留 Requirements

  1. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all graduate courses. 

  2. 研究生课程成绩低于“B”将导致以下后果:2011年秋季入学的学生,如果累积三个或更多的学术缺陷分,将被研究生院开除,除非个别项目政策另有说明. 一个“C”的成绩(虽然它可能被记入学位)等于一个缺欠点. A grade of “D,” “WF” or “F,或“U”(没有一个会被计入学位)等于两分不足. 2011年秋季之前入学,成绩低于C (D)两个等级的考生, “F”, “WF”,“U”) will be dismissed from the 程序. One grade below a "C" results in a warning.

  3. If dismissed from the 程序, 学生必须至少等待两个学期,并获得学术部门的批准, before applying for readmission. 学术课程保留在任何重新录取通知书上附加特定条件和突发事件的权利. 不保证重新录取,将考虑之前在课程中的学习成绩和行为. 

  4. After admission, 除非个别课程要求另有说明,否则在学位完成学期之前超过七年的课程不能用于满足365bet中文要求或入学博士候选人要求. 

  5. 不超过6个学时的学术工作可以从另一个机构转入硕士水平的研究生课程. 此学分必须在入学时以正式成绩单的形式证明. Transfer credit will be evaluated after admission by the academic department. To be eligible, 入学时学分不得超过7年,除非项目另有批准.

  6. 学生必须在外语第四课程中获得B或以上的成绩,或在现代和古典语言系管理的阅读能力考试中获得及格成绩.

  7. Students entering the literature emphasis without an undergraduate degree in English or an English minor or its equivalent must complete the following requirements prior to enrollment in graduate-level coursework: ENGL 3060; ENGL 3210 and ENGL 3215; ENGL 3110 and ENGL 3120-all with a grade of "B" or higher in each and prior to enrollment in graduate-level courses. Students entering the rhetoric and composition emphasis without an undergraduate degree in English or an English minor or its equivalent must complete the following requirements prior to enrollment in graduate-level coursework: three hours of either 3210 or 3215; and three hours of either 3110 or 3120-all with a grade of "B" or higher in each and prior to enrollment in graduate-level courses.

保留, Dismissal, & Readmission Policies Page - English Program