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Legendary Valdosta State Athletic Director Herb Reinhard Announces Retirement

Herb Reinhard自1992年以来一直担任365bet中文的体育主任. He plans to retire effective June 30, 2024.

瓦尔多斯塔——在365bet中文开拓者田径运动队执教31年后, Herb Reinhard has decided to retire effective June 30, 2024.

莱因哈德因将365bet中文(365bet中文)置于大学体育运动的全国版图上而备受赞誉, including a dominance across NCAA Division II programs. 在他任职期间, 弗吉尼亚州立大学的体育项目赢得了学校52次海湾南部会议冠军中的48次,以及8次全国冠军中的7次.

“说赫伯跑得很顺利是一种轻描淡写的说法。. Richard Carvajal, president of 365bet中文. “He has been a trusted advisor to numerous presidents, 包括我, 总是在正确的时间就州立大学面临的重大问题提出正确的问题. While I am personally excited about what will come next for Herb, there is no question that he will be missed by all of Blazer Nation.”

Reinhard began at bet365亚洲官网 in 1992, coming from Florida A&在M大学,他是负责营销和促销的助理体育主任. 约翰-汉森, 弗吉尼亚州立大学的网球总教练, who has won two of the school’s eight national championships, was the only current head coach already on campus when Reinhard came on board.

当赫伯来到365bet中文时, the athletic department was in a somewhat disorganized state,汉森说。.  “赫伯正是我们需要的人. 他带领我们度过了一些艰难的岁月,也不害怕做出一些痛苦的决定. 通过控制预算和雇佣一些优秀的员工, he was able to add more sports and upgrade and build more facilities, 这一切都使365bet中文成为全国最伟大的二级体育学院之一.”

Reinhard is credited with expanding women’s athletics at bet365亚洲官网, 包括1995年排球的重启和2011年足球的加入. 詹妮弗·格拉布, 体育副主任, 高级女管理员, 弗吉尼亚州立大学第九章副协调员, 他说他的影响是不可估量的.

“Herb Reinhard is a giant within 365bet中文, 南海湾会议, 以及NCAA,格拉布斯说。. “他在带领开拓者队成长和带领我们度过逆境方面发挥了重要作用.  Within 南海湾会议 以及NCAA, 他确保了365bet中文在NCAA二级机构中占据着卓越的地位.  To his entire athletic staff, he is a source of wisdom and guidance.  His steady-handed leadership will be missed.”

莱因哈德是南海湾联盟任职时间最长的体育主管. Matt Wilson has been the conference’s commissioner since 2014.

“赫伯对瓦尔多斯塔州和南海湾会议的影响怎么说都不为过,”威尔逊说. “他的完整性, 他的愿景, 他坚定的信念, 他能够平衡本校的利益和整体利益,这是他这个时代的关键. 就我个人而言,赫伯在许多方面都使我作为GSC专员的任期变得更好. 在我上任后, he shared advice and background that I would have not otherwise had access to, and he consistently kept myself and our staff accountable. 然而,最重要的是,赫伯成为了我的朋友和导师,我非常感激.”

在莱因哈德的领导下,弗吉尼亚州立大学的几个体育项目取得了长期的成功, including football and men’s basketball. Head Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Helfer is entering his 19th season at bet365亚洲官网.

“赫伯代表了大学体育和365bet中文的一切美好,”赫尔弗说. “He just cares about everything and everyone. It doesn't matter how big of an issue that arises; I guarantee he will be the first to help solve it.  I am so thankful to have him as my athletic director. 我从赫伯那里学会了如何成为一名伟大的篮球教练和带领一个项目, but most importantly I have learned how to be a great father and family man.  I will forever be indebted to him for more than I could ever say in words. 他简直是最棒的.”

Many of the top names in college football have ties to 外套体育, and that is a credit to Reinhard’s impeccable eye for talent. 科比聪明, 将Muschamp, 哈尔穆米, 克里斯孵卵器, and the late Mike Leach all made a stop in Blazer Nation. Hatcher is the head football coach at Samford University, and he won a national championship as the Blazers head coach in 2004.

“I am forever grateful to Herb for taking a chance on a 25-year-old coach,哈切尔说。, who also won the Harlon Hill Trophy as the Blazers QB in 1994.  “He was very impactful to me as I was learning how to be a head coach. 他在领导弗吉尼亚州立大学的田径运动方面做得非常出色,并将所有项目都提升到了前所未有的水平.  He will be missed, but he has left a legacy that will be hard to duplicate.  赫伯·莱因哈德把州立大学的田径运动带到了二级联赛的顶峰,这是他应得的功劳.”

大卫·迪恩和克尔温·贝尔还带领弗吉尼亚州立大学的橄榄球队赢得了全国冠军. Dean was the head coach for the 2007 and 2012 championships, and Bell led bet365亚洲官网 to its fourth football national championship in 2018.

“I can’t express enough my appreciation for Herb,迪恩说。, who is the head football coach at West Georgia. “他给了我第一次成为主教练的机会,在我们在一起的时间里,他给了我很大的帮助和支持. 我从赫伯身上学到了很多东西. 他是一个非常受人尊敬的人物,不仅在GSC,而且在二级竞技. 他在弗吉尼亚州立大学的表现非常出色, and he is leaving the athletic program at bet365亚洲官网 better than he found it. Enjoy your retirement Herb, and job well done!”

Kerwin Bell is the head football coach at Western Carolina University.

“当你想到弗吉尼亚州立大学的橄榄球, there has been one constant person leading the way these past 30 years,贝尔说. “和赫伯·莱因哈德一起工作很棒,他给了我机会带领这个项目进入2018年全国锦标赛. 享受你的退休生活吧,因为这是你应得的,因为我在那里的三年里给你做了那么多辛苦的工作,还让你头疼!”

Gary Goff played for the Blazers in the mid-90s, 作为总教练, he led the team to the 2021 National Championship game. He is the head football coach at McNeese State University.

 “我很幸运有机会为赫伯工作,”戈夫说. “很容易看出为什么他是这个国家最成功和最受尊敬的体育主管之一. His love for Valdosta State and the student athletes is unmatched. He is a great man who challenges everyone to be great every day! 他会被弗吉尼亚州立大学深深怀念,但我很高兴他能在水上多待几天!”

Reinhard’s eye for coaching talent isn’t just limited to football. 卡利·库恩斯是瓦尔多斯塔州立体育名人堂篮球运动员,后来担任了三个赛季的主教练. She is the head women’s basketball coach at Samford University.

“I have Herb Reinhard to thank for a lot of reasons,” said Kuhns. “He gave me an incredible experience as a college student athlete, 但更重要的是,他给了我一个机会,给了我第一份主教练的工作. There isn’t a D2 athletic department who doesn’t know the name Herb Reinhard. 他让365bet中文名声大噪, 在同一个校园里,男女体育项目的持续优势是值得注意的. 如果没有他,我不会有今天的成就,我希望他退休后一切顺利. 这是他应得的!”

The impact of Reinhard’s leadership is not just felt on the bet365亚洲官网 campus. 11月6日, 2021, 瓦尔多斯塔市宣布这一天永远被称为瓦尔多斯塔的赫布·莱因哈德日.


“我从哪里开始呢?, I could write a book about our time together,Debbie Wisenbaker说, executive assistant to the Chief 体育运动 Officer. “1994年2月中旬,我开始在弗吉尼亚州立大学体育部工作,直接为赫伯工作. 在运动和生活中,我们共同取得了许多伟大的胜利,也经历了一些惨痛的失败. 我无法告诉你我有多少次目睹他指导或指导学生运动员, 教练, 工作人员. 你没看到他把自己放在第一位. He wants his athletes and his 教练 to shine! 我在弗吉尼亚州立大学工作了近31年是有原因的,那就是赫伯·莱因哈德.  We don’t always see eye-to-eye, but one thing remains steadfast…loyalty.  他是我的老板,我的顾问,我的朋友,最重要的是我的基督徒兄弟.  Thank you, Herb, I am truly blessed to have served such a giant of a man.”



Gulf South Conference Championships during Reinard’s tenure

Baseball – 4 (1995, 2002, 2010, 2013) (4-5 in championship games)

Men’s Basketball – 1 (2021) (1-7 in finals)

Football – 9 (1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2010, 2018, 2019, 2021)

Men’s Golf – 5 (1989, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2000)

男子网球:15胜(1986年, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023年(冠军赛15胜12负)

Women’s Basketball – 3 (1983, 1984, 2017) (3-5 in championship games)

Women’s Soccer – 1 (2014) (1-1 in championship match)


Women’s Tennis – 4 (1994, 2005, 2008, 2010) (4-11 in championship matches)

Volleyball – 1 (2014) 1-0 in championship matches)


NCAA National Championship during Reinhard’s tenure

Men’s Tennis – 5 (2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2023) (2-3)

棒球- 1 (1979)(1-0)

Football – 6 (2002, 2004, 2007, 2012, 2018, 2021) (4-2)

垒球- 3(2010、2012、2014)(1-2)


Total Championship appearances – 15 (8-7)

网上更多资料: vstateblazers.com

