


克洛伊·布雷瓦尔多(Chloe Brevaldo)是圣. 乔治亚州乔治市于2020年10月加入了蚊子监测计划. 她喜欢给蚊子分类,并观察它们在显微镜下的样子. She hopes her work contributes to efforts locally and abroad to learn more about mosquito-borne diseases, 比如西尼罗河病毒.

  vsu30410-mosquitos.jpg二十多年前, bet365亚洲官网, 瓦尔多斯塔城, 朗兹县, and the 乔治亚州 Department of Public Health’s South Health District established a collaborative Mosquito Surveillance Program. 它的工作原理是向当地提供有关载体和病毒活动的数据, 状态, 国家, and inter国家 health agencies and researchers so precautions can be taken to help prevent disease transmission from mosquitoes to humans and animals.

vsu30425-mosquitos.jpg班布里奇的Yasmin Guzman说, 乔治亚州, 左, joined the Mosquito Surveillance Program team as a mosquito identification technician in August 2019 and currently serves as director of operations in the on-campus lab. She plans to continue working in a research lab setting after graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Minor in Chemistry in December, 在申请医学院之前. 


VALDOSTA — A group of 365bet中文 student researchers have spent the past five months working to create new knowledge and potentially save lives. Their efforts will continue throughout the fall as they seek to support public health initiatives to protect area residents from mosquito-borne diseases.

二十多年前, bet365亚洲官网, 瓦尔多斯塔城, 朗兹县, and the 乔治亚州 Department of Public Health’s South Health District established a collaborative Mosquito Surveillance Program. 它的工作原理是向当地提供有关载体和病毒活动的数据, 状态, 国家, and inter国家 health agencies and researchers so precautions can be taken to help prevent disease transmission from mosquitoes to humans and animals.

在博士的指导下工作. 马克·布莱克摩尔, 弗吉尼亚州立大学生物系教授, 学生研究人员使用放置在战略位置的陷阱收集蚊子, 瓦尔多斯塔和朗兹县的永久采样区. 陷阱是在下午设置的, and the mosquitoes are collected the following morning and taken to the Mosquito Surveillance Program lab on the second floor of bet365亚洲官网’s Hugh C. 贝利科学中心. 这种情况一周会发生好几次.

“我们通常从3月到11月举办新品发布会, but for the past two years we have done some collecting in the winter months to better understand the biology of the species that are involved in West Nile Virus transmission,布莱克莫尔分享道.

在弗吉尼亚州立大学的实验室里,蚊子被麻醉以防止移动. The student researchers examine them under a microscope and separate them into groups based on species.

Blackmore said there are roughly three dozen species of mosquitoes in the Valdosta-朗兹县 area.

The mosquitoes are then packaged and transported to the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of 乔治亚州 where they are tested for mosquito-borne diseases.

The Mosquito Surveillance Program confirmed the area’s first West Nile Virus activity of the year in late June. 本年度首宗东部马脑炎个案于五月中发现.

The Mosquito Surveillance Program is the first program of its type in the region and one of the first in the 状态. 因为采样点不会改变, Blackmore said his research team is able to compare data from year to year and help guide public health initiatives — including mosquito control efforts — designed to promote health and safety in Valdosta and 朗兹县.

“Every year brings a new set of challenges and something new in what we learn about mosquito-borne diseases in this area,他补充道. 不同的天气模式, 干旱, 或者洪水对蚊子的数量有很大的影响,并且一直在变化. We have documented the arrival of two new mosquito species as they expanded their distribution in the southeast. We have documented the absence of one of the worst species — yellow fever mosquito — that once occurred in Valdosta but is not present now. 我们的数据由国家使用, 国家 and even inter国家 researchers monitoring mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases.”

通过这个体验式学习的机会, 布莱克莫尔的学生获得了许多重要的技能, 比如数据输入和数据分析. They learn how to identify mosquitoes to species and the techniques involved in preparing them for virus testing. He said the research skills they learn in his lab contribute to their ability to gain access to advanced training at medical and research programs across the country.

克洛伊·布雷瓦尔多(Chloe Brevaldo)是圣. 乔治亚州乔治市于2020年10月加入了蚊子监测计划. 她将这次经历描述为“独特而有教育意义的”.”

Brevaldo shared how she enjoys sorting the mosquitoes and seeing how they look under the microscope. “To be honest, some of the different species actually look pretty when enlarged,” she explained. She said the research team hopes their work contributes to efforts locally and abroad to learn more about mosquito-borne diseases, 比如西尼罗河病毒.  

The Mosquito Surveillance Program has inspired several bet365亚洲官网 students to continue their education in the field of biology, including one Blazer alum who went on to earn a doctorate while studying Zika Virus before joining the Florida Department of Health and another alum who is currently pursuing a doctorate and studying mosquitoes at the University of 乔治亚州. 布莱克莫尔说,还有一些人成为了医生或兽医.

班布里奇的Yasmin Guzman说, 乔治亚州, plans to continue working in a research lab setting after graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Minor in Chemistry in December, 在申请医学院之前. She joined the Mosquito Surveillance Program team as a mosquito identification technician in August 2019 and currently serves as director of operations in the on-campus lab.

“这份工作中我最喜欢的部分是与他人互动,”她分享道. “在实验室里,我遇到了很多很棒的学生和工作人员. 看到每个人在实验室之外都成功实现了自己的目标,我感到很高兴.”

根据美国蚊子控制协会的说法, 全世界每年有一百多万人死于蚊子传播的疾病. Mosquitoes also carry diseases that have the potential to cause suffering in dogs and horses, 还有其他动物.

West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis are the two mosquito-borne diseases traditionally identified in the Valdosta-朗兹县 area each year.

“当我们得到一个积极的结果, it reminds us of how important mosquito surveillance is for the health of both our community and the animals of our county,古兹曼说.

克里斯·卡尔霍恩, 公共卫生部南部卫生区的环境卫生主任, stressed that the best protection against mosquito-borne diseases is avoiding a mosquito’s bite.

乔治亚州公共卫生部的南部卫生区, 服务包括朗兹县在内的10个县, 从现在到秋天,提供以下预防蚊虫叮咬的建议:

•使用含有避蚊胺的驱蚊剂, picardin, IR3535, 或者在暴露的皮肤和/或衣服上涂柠檬桉树油.



•通过清空花盆中的积水来消除蚊子滋生的场所, 桶, 桶, 水池, 以及其他集装箱和轮胎秋千上的钻孔.

