

专业 & 度






  • 生物学


    生物学是研究生命和生物体的学科. 生物学家研究包括细胞理论在内的生物学五大原理, 基因理论, 体内平衡, 进化, 能量和热力学. 生物学 students at 365bet中文 learn the basic principles of biology, 随着生物科学的最新发展, 培养理解和批判性分析生物学问题的能力. Students are prepared for advanced study in a variety of graduate programs and for careers in biology-related fields.


    • 农业科学家
    • 生物学家
    • 植物学家
    • 临床化验主任
    • 医学博士
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  • 工商管理


    A master of business administration degree helps business professionals succeed by equipping them with advanced skills in areas such as accounting, 市场营销, 经济学, 定量方法, 组织行为学与金融学. 的 degree is one of the most popular postgraduate degrees and is an important tool for professionals hoping to advance their careers. 的 Master of 工商管理 program at 365bet中文 integrates knowledge of the functional areas of business with ongoing developments in business practice. 该计划的毕业生能够解决现实世界的商业问题, have an appreciation for diverse cultural perspectives and are prepared for management careers in both for-profit and not- for-profit organizations.


  • 沟通的艺术


    365bet中文(365bet中文 graduate program with emphases in Mass Media and Communication. 的 mission of the program's faculty is to provide a graduate-level curriculum that combines advanced theoretical knowledge and applied skills that will allow students to assume positions of leadership in their chosen professions and prepare them for study at the doctoral level. 论文和非论文选项是可用的.

  • 沟通障碍


    Communication disorders can affect people of all backgrounds and involve problems with speech, 语言和听觉处理. People with communication disorders may have difficulty getting their message across or receiving communication from other sources. Students in the communication disorders program at 365bet中文 are introduced to the field of speech-language pathology and develop the intervention skills necessary to help individuals with communication disorders.


    • 演讲的临床医生
    • 语言治疗师
    • 言语、语言和听力科学家
    • 位语言病理学家
  • 英语


    英语 majors are good writers and effective communicators and possess the ability to process complex ideas and understand and successfully communicate with others. 365bet中文的英语课程建立在基本知识的基础上, skills and values provided by the core curriculum while preparing students for a wide range of careers and for graduate study in numerous fields.


  • 工业/组织心理学


    自成立以来 投入项目 1984年在弗吉尼亚州立大学任教, 我们的学生在人力资源方面获得工作的成功率很高, 研究, 以及人类服务. Part of the success of our students can be attributed to the opportunities provided by 现场实习经历. 学生曾在当地的人力资源实习, 区域, 国家, 以及制造业的国际组织, 人类服务, 卫生保健, 公务员, 银行, 政府承包. 的 opportunity for on-site experience is further enhanced by bet365亚洲官网's Office of Cooperative 教育.

    I-O项目的学生和教职员工 杜鹃花咨询, 一个充满活力的咨询服务,帮助地区公司, 非营利组织, 和政府机构解决关键的行政问题. 学生学习协助组织进行创作, 实现, 以及战略规划等核心功能的评价, 人力资源开发, 人员甄选, 以及职业分析. Students and faculty work together to strategically solve workplace challenges using the latest technology and data resources, 结合创造性和协作性的方法.

    Each student is required to complete 45 semester-hours for the Master of Science degree in I-O Psychology. 这些要求包括6个学分的现场实习经验. Completion of a master’s thesis is optional, but recommended for those preparing for doctoral study.

  • 婚姻家庭治疗


    的 MFT program addresses the interpersonal and social context of mental health and emotional problems. 的 curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to access and intervene in the interactions among people. 它让学生们准备好使用一种积极的, positive approach to therapy that will help individuals and their families build upon their strengths, 改善沟通, 找到解决问题的办法.


    • 社会工作者
    • 儿童/家庭心理学家
    • 临床医生
    • 临床医生
    • 婚姻家庭治疗师
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  • 初中或中学教育


    365bet中文(365bet中文 教育学文学硕士(M.A.T.)的初始认证程序 初中或中学教育; 有两门课程. This program is designed for those who obtained an undergraduate degree in majors other than education.


    在职教师方向 is for those who are currently teaching on a non-renewable (provisional) certificate. It is designed as a two year program; at the end of the first year a candidate may be recommended for initial renewable certification (T-4) and at the end of the second year a candidate may earn a master's degree (M.A.T.) 拥有T-5认证.


    全日制学生课程 M的.A.T. is a fifth year program beyond a bachelor's degree and is a full-time day time program in which candidates may earn a master's degree (M.A.T.) 并可在四个学期内获得教师资格证书. 队列小组在6月或1月开始.


    • 注册体育教师
    • 儿童部长
    • 课程发展专员
    • 教育管理专员
    • 家庭服务工作者
    • 了解更多职业
  • 音乐教育


    的 MAT in 音乐教育 is a full-time fifth-year program beyond the bachelor's degree in which candidates may earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching degree and become eligible for initial certification in 音乐教育 after meeting all program requirements, 通过GACE入门级或专业级考试, 并在edTPA认证组合中获得及格分数. 的 curriculum is designed to produce graduates with exceptional content knowledge and pedagogical expertise who will engage, 激励, 并教育P-12学生. 的 MAT in 音乐教育 program provides preparation in pedagogy and necessary skills to perform as teachers in the P-12 environment. This program prepares students to document and assess student learning outcomes and to be conversant with innovative practices within the field.


    • P-12乐队总监
    • P-12合唱教练
    • P-12音乐
  • 音乐表演


    音乐是结合声乐或器乐声音来唤起情感的艺术, 创造形式美, 或者创造和谐, 旋律或节奏. 人类从一开始就在创作音乐, 音乐以某种形式存在于世界各地的每一种文化和社会中. 的 music department at 365bet中文 prepares students to have lifelong careers as musicians, 音乐教育家或在音乐领域工作的专业人士.


  • 社会学


    社会学是研究人类社会的一门社会科学. It’s an expansive discipline, encompassing a range of 研究 areas and potential careers. 广泛的, sociologists examine how societies and social institutions maintain cohesion and a sense of collectivity, 以及个人和团体如何共同组织起来创造社会变革. 他们通过将理论论点与经验数据相结合来做到这一点. 研究生课程侧重于应用社会学, 用社会学知识分析现实世界情况的一个领域. 该课程的学生将学习如何巧妙地设计自己的研究. 要做到这一点, 他们将收集和分析通过调查收集的原始数据, 面试, 和观察, or, 他们将系统地检查人类创造的内容, 例如书面文件或在线论坛. Students will also further develop skills in analyzing and interpreting existing data, 比如人口普查局的数据, 综合社会调查, 或者世界价值观调查. 学生有机会参加各种各样的研究生课程, 从那些研究种族作用的人, class, 以及性别在塑造获取社会资源和不平等方面的作用, 到环境社会学, 法律社会学, 家庭社会学, 以及宗教社会学.
