

专业 & 度






  • 非洲研究证书


    The certificate program in Africana Studies is 设计ed to increase knowledge of experiences of people of African descent in the United States and across the globe.  It provides an opportunity to gain credentials in the field and serves to enhance cultural competency for working professionals and undergraduate students. 四个课程, 从非洲研究的一系列课程中, 是完成证书所必需的,并且在网上和校园都提供吗.

  • 大学英语教师资格证书


    The Department of English at 365bet中文 offers two "add on" certificate programs 设计ed specifically for individuals who have earned a Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's degree in another related field, but who would like to teach concurrent enrollment and beginning undergraduate courses in English at a college level without seeking an additional, 英语文学硕士.

    而不是一个完整的36学分的硕士学位, 证书课程需要18个学分的研究生课程. The program is expected to be completed in approximately two years or fewer; however, 学生有长达七年的时间按照自己的进度完成课程.

    课程由具有博士学位的杰出教授提供.D. 并在他们的专业领域发表文章), 大学教学的几位接受者, 在线教学奖.

  • 数据科学证书


    数据科学基础证书课程旨在帮助学生为从事研究工作做好准备, 教育, 行业, 和政府. 这是一个快速发展且需求旺盛的职业道路. If you are currently a STEM major; you may want to consider adding this certificate to your degree.


    • 数据分析师
    • 数据架构师
    • 数据工程师
    • 数据科学家
    • 统计学家
  • 在线教学证书


    The 在线教学证书 program is 设计ed to meet the needs of instructors in many different 教育al environments.  课程是以能力为基础的, professional development program 设计ed for individuals who teach in online environments outside the P-12 教育al setting.  这个项目不适合初次认证. Educators teaching in higher 教育 and training and development professionals in the private or public sectors will gain knowledge and skills for instructional planning, 设计, 和交付. 从实践经验中学习, 知识的应用, 而专业素养的提升是每堂课的重要组成部分

  • 口腔卫生


    牙科保健员是在牙科诊所工作的有执照的专业人员. 牙科保健师专注于口腔护理的几个方面, 包括清洁牙齿, 对各种牙齿状况进行检查, 拍摄和冲洗牙科x光片, 给病人的牙齿印模, 教育病人如何保持口腔健康等等. The dental hygiene program at 365bet中文 trains students to be professional dental hygienists and leads to an Associate of Applied Science degree.

  • 工程研究


    工程师有能力塑造世界的未来. They 设计 and build machines and other structures and use mathematical and scientific principles, 解决现实问题的技术工具和实践经验. Students with an engineering degree can choose from a wide variety of careers in specialized areas such as aerospace engineering, 化学工程, 土木工程, 计算机工程, 电气工程, 工业工程, 机械工程等.


    • 航空航天工程师
    • 农业工程师
    • 生物医学工程师
    • 生物系统工程师
    • 土木工程师
    • 了解更多职业
  • 欧盟研究


    The certificate in 欧盟研究 is operated under the supervision of the European Council of the University System of Georgia. The program is open to all institutions and students of the University System as well as to professionals with an undergraduate degree. The program’s purpose is to promote knowledge of the European Union (EU) and certify individuals as competent in the subject area of EU studies. 因为欧盟是美国最重要的经济和政治伙伴, 该认证向潜在雇主展示了宝贵的专业知识. 适合从事学术研究的学生, the interdisciplinary certificate can be earned as a supplement to any conventional undergraduate degree. 该证书可以完全在线获得,也可以通过参加认可的传统课堂课程获得, 或者将传统课程与在线课程相结合.

  • 新闻/媒体交叉培训证书


    This institutional certificate allows Journalism and Mass Media students to develop skills and cross-training in the areas, 提供更多就业及专业发展的机会. 完成, Mass Media majors or minors are required to take 3 Journalism courses; English majors with a Journalism emphasis must take 3 Mass Media courses.

  • 拉丁美洲研究


    The development of the understanding of at least one culture other than their own and communicative proficiency in the language of that culture is an essential element in the 教育al preparation for citizens who live in the global society of the 21st century. Courses in Latin American studies are offered in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and focus on the acquisition of language skills and cultural knowledge that enable individuals to live or travel in a society where the language is spoken. 另外, second language skills and cultural knowledge are advantageous to those who plan to pursue careers in business, 与健康有关的领域, 社会服务和教育机构, 法律与执法, 以及国内外与科学或人文相关的领域.

  • 非营利组织管理


    The Public 政府 研究生 证书 Program is ideal for those interested in reinvigorating careers in government, 非营利组织, 或非政府组织(ngo). 课程提供的技能和资格,重点是必要的领导能力, 管理, 金融, 沟通, 组织, and problem-solving skills and 设计ed for those unsure about a long-term commitment to a full graduate program. 学生选修两门核心课程和两门选修课程,这取决于所需的证书.

  • 医学预科学生的学士学位后课程


    This is a four semester program 设计ed for students who currently possess a baccalaureate degree but lack the necessary prerequisite courses to apply for admission to medical school.


    • 医生
  • pre -医师助理学生的学士学位后课程


    This is a four semester program 设计ed for students who currently possess a baccalaureate degree but lack the necessary prerequisite courses to apply for admission to physician assistant (PA) school.  


    • 医生的助手
  • 公共历史

  • 公共管理


    The Public 政府 研究生 证书 Program is ideal for those interested in reinvigorating careers in government, 非营利组织, 或非政府组织(ngo). 课程提供的技能和资格,重点是必要的领导能力, 管理, 金融, 沟通, 组织, and problem-solving skills and 设计ed for those unsure about a long-term commitment to a full graduate program. 学生选修两门核心课程和两门选修课程,这取决于所需的证书.

  • 公共部门人力资源管理


    The Public 政府 研究生 证书 Program is ideal for those interested in reinvigorating careers in government, 非营利组织, 或非政府组织(ngo). 课程提供的技能和资格,重点是必要的领导能力, 管理, 金融, 沟通, 组织, and problem-solving skills and 设计ed for those unsure about a long-term commitment to a full graduate program. 学生选修两门核心课程和两门选修课程,这取决于所需的证书.

  • 专业人士西班牙语


    The 西班牙语专业证书 offers instruction through task-based communicative projects. 专为中高水平学生设计, courses in the certificate prepare students for successful 沟通 in the Spanish-speaking professional world. This program builds on students’ grammatical and vocabulary knowledge while emphasizing the application of Spanish within a professional setting.

  • 体育广播


    体育广播 is an exciting field for mass media majors that offers courses in production and writing for sport reporting and broadcast media.

  • 向其他语言的人教授英语(TESOL)


    This online certificate prepares majors from any discipline to pursue teaching opportunities with English Language Learners (ELLs) in corporate settings and in private language schools in the United States and internationally. It combines a theoretical foundation in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) with practical experience. 入学前不需要有语言学背景. 建议有一些第二语言的背景. 它可以与任何学位课程相结合.