Requirements for all Secondary Ed Concentrations

(1) A2区数学课程 (Click for Core Courses list(Note: Physics Concentration requires 数学1113 to satisfy 区一个2)
Area B (Core Perspectives) (2) PERS课程 of Different Perspectives Area (Click for more info about Area B)
(Core Humanities/Fine Arts)
ENGL 2111, 2112, or 2113:世界文学
(1) C领域选修 (Click for list of Core Courses)
嘘2111或2112:美国History to or 1865 (Note: History Concentration requires 2111 to satisfy 区域E since 2112 is a part of its Area F requirements)
(2) E区选修课 (Click for list of Core Courses)
Area F (Courses for Major) 建造于2120年: Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Diversity
建造于2130年: Exploring Learning 和 Teaching
2000年种子: Written 和 Verbal Communication for 中等教育 Teachers
建造于2999年: 教师教育 Requirements
专业课程 规范2000: Serving Students with Diverse Needs
3220毫克: Reading 和 Writing in the Content Areas for Middle Grades.
3990毫克: Development 和 Education of the Middle Grades Student
建造于3110年: Integrating 科技nology
3020年种子: Introduction to St和ards, Planning, 和 Assessment
3991年种子: Differentiated Instruction in 中等教育
4000年种子: Assessment for 中等教育
4610年种子: 中等教育 Practicum I
4620年种子: 中等教育 Practicum II
4790年种子: Student Teaching in 中等教育
4800年种子: Professional Practices Seminar

For Course Descriptions, please refer to the bet365亚洲官网核心课程 和 this program's page in the bet365亚洲官网 Catalog 和 click on the red course codes.

In addition to the above courses, each concentration has its own unique degree requirements. Please refer to the dropdown menu below to view concentration-specific degree requirments. Click on the subjects below or on the sidebar to see a plan of study (classes by semester) for that concentration

Biology Chemistry Physics English History 政治科学


Concentration-Specific Requirements

度地区 课程代码:名称
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 杂志1107 / L: Principles of Biology I (with Lab)
杂志1108 / L: Principles of Biology II (with Lab)
领域F -主修课程 (2) BIOL 1000/2000-level Elective (Click here for list of BIOL Courses)
数学1112:三角函数 OR 数学1113:微积分
Content Concentration Courses 杂志3200年:遗传学入门
(6) credit hours of 3000/4000-level Biology Electives: (Click here for list of BIOL Courses)
专业课程 4200年种子: Science Methods for 中等教育


度地区 课程代码:名称
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 Chemistry1211 / L: Principles of Chemistry I (with Lab)
Chemistry1212 / L: Principles of Chemistry II (with Lab)
数学2261: Analytic Geometry 和 Calculus I
领域F -主修课程 Chemistry1 xxx / 2 xxx (Click here for list of CHEM Courses)
Content Concentration Courses Chemistry3401:有机ChemistryI
(13) credit hours of 3000/4000-level Chemistry Electives: (typically 4 or 5 courses) (Click here for list of CHEM Courses)
专业课程 4200年种子: Science Methods for 中等教育

度地区 课程代码:名称
A区-要件 数学1113:微积分
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 phy 2211 k: Principles of Physics I
phy 2212 k: Principles of Physics II
数学2261: Analytic Geometry 和 Calculus I
领域F -主修课程 数学2262: Analytic Geometry 和 Calculus II
数学2263: Analytic Geometry 和 Calculus III
Content Concentration Courses (21) credit hours of 3000/4000-level Physics Electives:(通常是7门课程) (Click here for list of PHYS Courses)
专业课程 4200年种子: Science Methods for 中等教育

度地区 课程代码: 名字
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 (2)实验科学课程: Area D Science Course with a Lab element
D领域选修: Math/Science/科技 course without a Lab element
(Click here 和 scroll down to view list of Area D1 courses)
领域F -主修课程 政客们2101: Introduction to 政治科学
政客们2401: Introduction to Global Issues
Content Concentration Courses 政客们3100: Scope 和 Methods of 政治科学
(7) POLS 3000/4000 Electives (need 21 credit hours) (Click here for list of POLS Courses)
专业课程 4300年种子: Social Studies Methods for 中等教育

度地区 课程代码: 名字
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 (2)实验科学课程: Area D Science Course with a Lab element
D领域选修: Math/Science/科技 course without a Lab element
(Click here 和 scroll down to view list of Area D1 courses)
区域E - Social Sciences 嘘2111:美国History至1865年
领域F -主修课程 HIST 1011, 1012, or 1013: History of Civilization
嘘2112: 1865年以来的美国History
Content Concentration Courses 嘘3000:History研究
HIST 4210或4212: History of GA or GA History since 1865
HIST 4204, 4205, 4206, or 4208:美国History
(2) 3000/4000-level US Social/Cultural/Constitutional History Course
(2) 3000/4000-level World History Courses
(1) 3000/4000-level European History Courses
(Click here for a full list of HIST courses)
专业课程 4300年种子: Social Studies Methods for 中等教育

度地区 课程代码: 名字
领域D -科学、数学、 & 科技 (2)实验科学课程: Area D Science Course with a Lab element
D领域选修: Math/Science/科技 course without a Lab element
(Click here 和 scroll down to view list of Area D1 courses)
领域F -主修课程 英格兰1 xxx / 2 xxx: Lower-level ENGL course (Click for list of ENGL Courses)
: Introduction to Literature
Content Concentration Courses 英格兰3000年: Advanced Descriptive English Grammar
英格兰3060: Introduction to Criticism 和 Research
ENGL 3110, 3120, or 3125: British Lit I, British Lit II, or Global Anglophone Lit
ENGL 3210, 3215, or 3235: American Lit I, American Lit II, or Multi-Ethnic Lit of the US 
英格兰4640年: Studies in Composition Theory
英格兰选修: Diversity Course (ENGL 3125, 3220/30/35, 3330/40/50/60, or LING 4160) (Click here for list of ENGL courses)
3210毫克: Literature for Middle Grades Education
专业课程 4400年种子: English/Language Arts Methods for 中等教育